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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: col123

Member#: 405
Registered: 16-10-2003
Diary Entries: 112

Mood: who needs wind anyway
1st January 2003
Kite surfing: ynyslas
Wind Direction: nw
Wind Stength: 25/35knts
Surf / Sea State: small chop
Air Temperature: cold
Sea Temperature: ok
Weather: blustery/showers
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

as AL mentioned early on me and neil arrived early to stupid winds..Al mentioned elsewhere his walk of should be called his walk of you got the bottle..respect for going out in that froth and with those gusts.....we went round to the estuary so as to cope with the gusts at least we would'nt have to worry about keeping an edge to hold all that power..went out first on a 145 brunotti board with a 8m storm, ok in the gusts but the lulls were killer so changed up to a bigger board without much difference so i chaned to a 13m guerilla kite and the this stage the wind went stupid and neil hid in the van!!!!!!!!!..had some seat of the pants runs with arse plant a plenty to kill of the speed..some nice floaty jumps as well.
its the first proper go with the guerilla although i've had it nearly a year, one thing for sure if i'd been out on an lei the after effect of the lulls to maxed out wind were pleasent with an lei the power snaps back in wereas the guerilla its more of a torquey pull, and after trying rotations etc the kite just sits there... feet have just thawed out....
Toys Used:
litewave,brunotti  six to choose from 125,140,145158.215.
storm mk 1 8m
peter lynn gorilla 13 and 18m



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